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1.06 m, VHF, UHF, 2 dBi, broadband antenna, dipole, end feed, mast mount, 115-1500 MHz


  • Broadband antenna covering large frequency range
  • Standard models
    • 108-1500 MHz
    • 160-1500 MHz
  • Special model
    • 100-1500 MHz
  • Fully ruggedised construction suitable for use in harsh environments
  • Suitable for use on all platforms including shipboard
Frequency Range 108-1500 MHz, with 250mm lower whips
160-1500 MHz, without lower whips
100-1500 MHz, with 350mm lower whips
Impedance 50 Ω
Power Rating 500 W < 400 MHz
250 W > 400 MHz
Radiation Pattern Horizontal Plane: Omnidirectional
Gain 2 dBi typical
Polarisation Vertical
VSWR 108-1500 Model
3:1          108-118 MHz
2:1          118-1000 MHz
2.5:1       1000-1500 MHz160-1500 MHz model
2:1          160-1000 MHz
2.5:1       1000-1500 MHz

100-1500 MHz model*
2.5:1       100-118 MHz
2.3:1       118-1000 MHz
3:1          1000-1500 MHz

Connector N female (others on request)

* 100-1500 MHz model has a different internal build to the 108-1500 and 160-1500 MHz models and can only be used with 350mm lower whips.

Design Broadband coaxial dipole.  Made from aluminium and fibreglass.
Length 106 cm with base
Weight 5 kg
Wind Rating 55 m/s
Moment of Flexure 200 Nm at 55 m/s
Finish Polyurethane lacquer.  White, grey, green, tan colour options
Temperature Range – 55°C to + 71°C