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Fixed Base Force Protection


The Fixed Base Force Protection (FBFP) System has been built on the key design features of the Enhanced Personal Role Radio (EZPRR) to provide enhanced Force Protection in and around base camps and command posts. The FBFP achieves this by extending the range and coverage of the EZPRR to over 2.5 kilometres through the deployment of a Command Post System (CPS) and a Re-broadcast Station System (RRB).

FBFP provides a cohesive communications infrastructure, giving troops responsible for security the means to achieve their aims. It enhances the effectiveness of individuals committed in their fundamental roles as Force Protection by giving them the flexibility to utilise vehicles, static guard posts, vehicle check points and foot patrols. FBFP provides an all-informed, all-secure, all on one network system of communication.

The Command Post, as the control station, maintains the links between the static and mobile patrols within and around the base. Maintenance of the system is controlled by the Command Post, which co-ordinates all aspects of the system. The FBFP System controlled from the Command Post can be deployed to bring assets that were in areas of dead ground, into the network, by the appointment of one or more rebroadcast stations.

System deployment is simple and user friendly. It only takes two soldiers less than 15 minutes to set up the Command Post itself. The rebroadcast stations are easily deployed to cover areas that are known communications black spots.

  • Tactical encrypted voice communications – EZPRR
  • Enhanced   coverage   –   higher   power   radio   and high   gain   antennas   maximise the   coverage   and penetration
  • Simple user interface – familiar PRR controls follow the ‘Keep It Simple’ axiom
  • Backward compatibility with PRR
  • Simplified   logistical   support   –   meeting   the   user’s needs for cost-effective supportability
  • Future extension to include data communications and integrated C3I systems

The FBFP establishes a secure communications structure that is robust
veness in an environment y are key elements to success.